League: ESPL Mini League Bottom Half (BECCLES REGION)
Butchers Arms vs Butchers Legs
The Swan’kers vs Ingate Bulldogs
ESPL Mini League – 6th to 10th Places – WEEK 5
Arms vs Legs (INGATE)
Cygnets vs Bulldogs (POT BLACK)
Pot Black vs BYE
Ingate Bulldogs vs Butchers Arms
Pot Black vs The Swan’kers
ESPL Mini League – 6th to 10th Places – Week 4
Bulldogs vs Arms (SWAN)
BYE vs Legs
Pot Black vs Cygnets (CAXTON)
ESPL Mini League – 6th to 10th Places – Week 3
Arms vs Pot Black (CHINNYS)
Legs vs Bulldogs (POT BLACK)
Cygnets vs BYE
Butchers Legs 4 vs 8 Ingate Bulldogs
Butchers Arms 9 vs 3 Pot Black